March is Women’s History Month. Explore our databases which are rich in information related to the topic of women’s studies. Not sure where to start? Women’s Studies International provides full-text scholarly peer-reviewed journals in Women's Studies from 1972 and earlier to present.
We know your day is filled with academics and so much more! Please visit the TCC Libraries & Tutoring blog to receive updates on our wide array of resources, services, collections, events & more.
Whether you are looking for something fun to read or trying to locate a credible source for an assignment, the library catalog is the place to start! Join the conversation via Zoom on March 17th from 10-10:30am as we share essential research hacks for using the TCC Library Catalog efficiently and effectively.
TCC Libraries & Tutoring celebrates Women's History Month by affirming and honoring the immeasurable contributions of women across the world. Take a moment to browse our newest books and drop by any TCC campus to check one out.