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Services@TCC Libraries

Circulation Borrowing Guide

Borrower's responsibility

Borrower's Responsibility

All patrons are personally responsible for the care, proper use, and timely return of the library materials that they have borrowed.  If materials are not returned by the due date, all library privileges shall be suspended until all overdue materials are returned or all amounts owed to the college for replacement are paid in full.

Borrower Types

TCC Community

The TCC community includes currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, administrators, and consortium members.  Students, faculty, staff, and administrators must have a valid TCC StormCard in order to check out up to 30 library items for home use or to access materials in restricted library locations. For more information about TCC StormCards, click on the links below.

Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment students are high school students that are given the opportunity to enroll in college courses at TCC.  Dual enrollment students are considered TCC students and are required to abide by library policies. Dual enrollment students must have a valid TCC StormCard in order to check out up to 30 library items for home use or to access materials in restricted library locations.  For more information about TCC StormCards and other resources, click on the links below.

Community Patron

Community patrons are Virginia residents who are not affiliated with the College. Community patrons must obtain a TCC community patron library card for limited borrowing privileges. Community patrons must have a government-issued photo ID and proof of a current Virginia address to obtain a TCC community patron library card. Virginia Beach residents must apply for a Virginia Beach Public Library card to access limited TCC library resources and services. Community patrons and VBPL cardholders may check out up to 15 TCC items.

*Please note that community patrons must call or come into a TCC library to ask for a list of materials checked out, place items on hold, and renew items.


VBPL patrons are Virginia Beach residents that have a library card or are eligible to apply for a card from one of their local public libraries. VBPL patrons are allowed to check out up to 15 TCC library materials with a valid VBPL card. There are limited borrowing privileges.

  • TCC materials may be returned to any VBPL location.
  • Holds for TCC items must be picked up from the TCC/Virginia Beach Joint-Use Library.
  • Interlibrary loan services must be requested through Virginia Beach Public Library.

*Please note that VBPL cardholders must call or come into a TCC library to ask for a list of materials checked out, place items on hold, and renew items.


VTC (Virginia Tidewater Consortium) patrons are students, faculty, and staff from VTC institutions. Patrons from the participating institution are allowed to borrow up to 15 library items from TCC. For more information about VTC, click on the link below.

*Please note that community patrons must call or come into a TCC library to ask for a list of materials checked out, place items on hold, and renew items.


VIVA (Virtual Library of Virginia Consortium) patrons are students, faculty, and staff from VIVA institutions. Patrons from the participating institutions are allowed to borrow up to 15 TCC library items. For more information about VIVA, click on the link below.

*Please note that community patrons must call or come into a TCC library to ask for a list of materials checked out, place items on hold, and renew items.

Workforce Solutions

From health care to IT and beyond, Tidewater Community College’s Center for Workforce Solutions (WFS) provides quality short-term workforce training that advances your business goals while improving the community we serve. 

WFS students are welcome to use the TCC campus libraries to access book and media collections, use the computer labs, and get assistance from staff.

  • Collections - A TCC student ID is required to check out materials. If you are unable to get a TCC ID or you are not in the library system, you may apply for a community patron card (any campus) or a VBPL card (at Virginia Beach).
  • Computer labs - A TCC ID number is required to log on to the computers and the Wi-Fi. If you do not have an EMPLID, you may apply for a community patron card (any campus) or a VBPL card (at Virginia Beach).
  • Printing - WFS students may purchase a Total Convenience Card for $1 and add funds to it to pay for prints. Printing is $.05 per page, and the machine to load the Convenience Cards only takes cash.
  • Staff assistance - TCC librarians and staff are available to help you use library resources.
  • Databases - WFS students may use the library databases on campus to access full-text articles from scholarly and professional publications, e-books, and streaming videos.

Overdue and Lost Materials

  • Patrons are sent courtesy notices via email 3 days prior to items due date. Patrons will also receive a reminder on the item's due date. Overdue notices are sent via email when items are 10 days overdue. If the patron does not have an email, an overdue notice will be mailed.
  • Library materials not returned by the due date will result in all library privileges being suspended until all overdue items are returned or all amounts owed to the college for replacement are paid in full.
  • Items that are 30 days overdue or more will result in students having a hold placed on their SIS account.  Students will not be able to register for classes nor receive grades, transcripts, certificates, or degrees until materials are returned or all amounts owed to the college are paid in full.
  • If Items are 135 days overdue the patron will receive a bill via email and a bill will be mailed.  Billed items are handled in accordance with TCC Policy 4203 Receivables and Collections.
  • Materials 180 days overdue result in having the library send the obligation to the business office for processing and collections.  Patrons must pay for the replacement of materials and the additional fee in order to return their account to good standing.

For questions on how to replace copies of lost or damaged items (that have not gone to collections), or how to pay for library obligations, please contact one of the Circulation Supervisors located at each campus library.

For more information about TCC's libraries' overdue and billing policy and TCC's policy on receivables and collections, click on the links below. 

Content created by TCC Libraries is licensed as CC BY 4.0

Last Updated: Jan 31, 2025 8:58 AM