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ChatGPT and AI Tools Faculty Research Guide

TCC Resources for Information on AI in Education

The CFTE (Center for Teaching Excellence) Weekly Happenings! is a newsletter sent out from the Center of Teaching Excellence to faculty at Tidewater Community College. It is rich with information on resources to empower faculty, including AI. If you are faculty here and are not already subscribed you can do so by sending an email to

Dr. Heather Brown's Padlet Resources on ChatGPT/AI and Education is an amazing source of current and relevant information.

She also has another valuable Padlet entitled ChatGPT/AI Use Cases & Strategies in Higher Education.

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       Natural Language Understanding


       Conversational AI


       Language Generation

AI (Artificial Intelligence)

       Language Understanding AI

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

       AI Applications

Language Model

       Text Generation

Deep Learning

       AI Ethics

Machine Learning

       NLP Applications


Recommended Databases

TCC Artificial Intelligence Ad Hoc Committee Appointed

From the April, 17, 2024 This Week at TCC Newsletter: As we continue to provide cutting-edge technology for our college community, it becomes increasingly vital to ensure oversight of emerging trends and tools in artificial intelligence (AI). An Artificial Intelligence Ad Hoc Committee has been formed to strategically coordinate initiatives which will serve both the academic and administrative areas of our institution. This represents a significant step towards integrating AI into our institutional framework, ensuring that all faculty, staff, and students are equipped with future-ready technology and knowledge. The following appointed members of the committee will help guide TCC through the complex landscape of AI, advancing our institution as a national leader in technological education and application. 

Co-Chair: John Morea, Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs, Distance Learning, Virginia’s Community Colleges (VCCS) Educational Technology Committee Chair  
Co-Chair: Melanie Gilchrist, Marketing, Public Relations Specialist and Multimedia Designer, Blacks in Technology Virginia HBCU and Higher Education Director  
• Heather Brown, Center for Teaching Excellence, Instructional Designer, Educause AI Liaison  
• Maureen Cahill, Teaching Faculty, Virginia Beach Faculty Senate Chair  
• Beth Callahan, Student Affairs, Coordinator Office of Educational Accessibility  
• Ryan Crocker, Office of Information Systems, Enterprise DevOps Engineer  
• Debra Dart, Dean, Information Technology and Administrative Support Technology  
• Kodi Flemming, Associate Vice President, Workforce Solutions, Professional Development  
• Steve Litherland, Associate Vice President, Academic Affairs, Libraries  
• Robyn Shavers, Financial Information Systems and Operations Analyst  
• Tiffanye Sledge, Teaching Faculty, Former Faculty Senate Chair, VCCS AI Council  
• Lizette White, Human Resources, Recruitment 

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