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Student Scavenger Hunt (April 8th-12th)

by Sydney Gordon on 2024-04-02T00:01:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

National Library Week is an annual celebration that encourages us to recognize the contributions of our nation's libraries and librarians. This year, from April 8-12, 2024, we invite you to join us for an exciting event that will combine fun, learning, and a chance to appreciate the wealth of resources that our libraries offer. 

Join the TCC Libraries Student Scavenger Hunt!

  • In honor of National Library Week, we are hosting a student scavenger hunt! This event is designed to help you explore the library, discover new resources, and engage in a fun, educational experience.
  • To participate, simply visit your campus library, beginning on Monday, April 8, 2024, where you can pick up the instructions for the hunt. The first 25 hunters at each campus will receive a free research kit, which will provide useful tools to assist you on your quest.

The Library: Your Partner in Research and Learning

  • The role of libraries extends far beyond providing access to books. Libraries are vibrant, dynamic spaces that support research, learning, and community engagement. They provide access to digital resources, databases, journals, and other valuable materials that can assist students, scholars, and lifelong learners in their quest for knowledge.
  • During our National Library Week celebration, we want to emphasize the value of these resources and encourage you to make full use of them. Whether you're working on a term paper, researching for a new project, or simply looking to learn something new, the library is the perfect place to start.

Hollywood Is Hiring: Are You the Next Big Screenwriter?

  • If you've ever dreamed of seeing your stories come to life on the big screen, the library can provide the resources you need to make that dream a reality. Libraries offer a wealth of information that can help budding screenwriters hone their craft. From books on the art of screenwriting to resources that can help you understand the intricacies of different genres, you can find everything you need to start your journey towards becoming a successful screenwriter.
  • Your task is to write a screenplay for the next hit in Hollywood. However, you first must go to the library to research a topic of your choosing. During your visit to the library, you will have to follow a series of steps that will take you through the library collection to gather research for your film. There will be a few questions to answer along the way.

Help Us Celebrate National Library Week

  • By participating in our National Library Week events, you are not only taking part in a fun and educational experience, but you are also showing your support for libraries and the vital role they play in our communities.

So, are you ready to join the hunt, explore the library, and maybe even start your journey towards becoming the next big screenwriter? If so, then get ready, set, and library! We look forward to seeing you.

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