image of man with overcoat with banned books in the inside pocketsImage: Christy C., TCC Libraries, 2023

(Blog post authored by Christy C., TCC Libraries, Norfolk)

Hey besties, let’s talk for a minute about banned and challenged books.

So, banned and challenged books are a big deal in the literary world. 

  • Banned books are ones that have officially been prohibited and completely removed from public institutions, therefore restricting access to the content.
  • Challenged books face objections or concerns, but may still be available while the challenge is being addressed.

So, why should we even care? Well, it’s all about freedom of speech and expression. When books get banned or challenged, diverse voices and unique ideas are silenced. We should be able to read and explore different perspectives.

These books can tackle some heavy topics like LGBTQ+ issues, racism, religion and even sexual content. They often give a voice to marginalized communities and help us understand their experiences. Literature helps us think about all viewpoints and experiences.

But here’s the kicker: banning or challenging these books doesn’t make those issues disappear! Let's have conversations and celebrate the freedom to read!

So, next time you spot a banned or challenged book, grab it, devour it, and share it with your friends. Embrace diversity and keep the pages turning during Banned Books Week and beyond!

Tag us on social media and tell us what your favorite banned books are! Also, comment on this blog post!