book cover from Spooky Lakes

Looking for your next read? Your TCC Library collections have you covered! Today’s suggestion is from Christy C. at the Norfolk Campus Library.

“I recommend Spooky Lakes: 25 Strange and Mysterious Lakes that Dot Our Planet by Geo Rutherford.  

Geo is the creator of the hit TikTok series Spooky Lake Month where she does a video each day talking about a different lake or hydration feature on our planet and talks about some of the weird and strange facts about them in a family friendly way. 

Backed by extensive research and packed with all sorts of cool content - including some amazing eye-popping paintings done by the author herself- Spooky Lakes takes the reader on an adventure through the weird and wild waters of our planet. Readers not only learn about the science of hydrology, but also why understanding the natural world is crucial to protecting it from pollution and climate change. 

I definitely recommend this book as much as I can. It's fun, beautiful and informative and one of the new books we have!”

Happy Reading!