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About TCC Libraries

Collection Development Policy

Collection Maintenance


Regular inventories of the collection will be undertaken to ensure that all materials are shelved in the correct location, and to identify materials that may be missing from the library.

Regular maintenance of records and holdings in the library’s integrated library system are done to ensure searchability and access to the collection.

The Library should adhere to basic conservation measures, such as temperature, humidity, and dust control.

Electronic resources extend the collection to all students-distance, online, and traditional-by providing access to information resources outside the physical boundaries of the library space and hours. In addition, electronic resources can be searched and can deliver information in ways that print resources cannot. While the majority of electronic resources available at TCC are provided by VIVA and the VCCS, the Library will acquire electronic resources locally that meet needs unique to TCC. Selection will be based on the same criteria used for other formats with the added inclusion of elements unique to the format, such as ease of use, access methods, interface options, searching and information delivery methods, etc.

In addition to the General Selection Criteria, the following criteria will be applied to electronic resources as appropriate to the specific type of resource, for example, databases, streaming media, downloadable audiobooks, ebooks, or e-periodicals.

  • Online platforms already in use
  • Type of access model – subscription, purchase, PDA, DDA, EBA, etc.
  • The extent of overlap (if any) with other electronic resources available to TCC
  • Usability and ease of access
  • Licensing requirements
  • Download, print, and email capabilities
  • Importance of the resource to the academic discipline(s) and the level of expected use
  • Availability of a library acquisition model that provides access to the entire college community
  • Update schedule
  • ADA accessibility requirements
  • Availability from the vendor of COUNTER-compliant usage statistics
  • ILL provisions
  • Availability and adequacy of documentation
  • Ability to provide off-campus access through IP recognition
  • Ability to conform to library discovery platform, proxy, and TCC IT security requirements

Materials recommended for discard are reviewed by the librarians. Faculty may be consulted for input on decisions within their curricular area. Weeding should be done continuously and the collection evaluated to determine the relevancy of older materials in the collection. Final decision for removal and disposal is the responsibility of the Library Coordinators.  Materials withdrawn from the collection will be disposed of according to VCCS policy section 4.4.1. “Disposal of Surplus Library Books and Periodicals.” 

General criteria for weeding:

  • No longer meets selection criteria
  • Worn or damaged item
  • Superseded editions
  • Outdated, inaccurate items
  • Obsolete formats
  • Textbooks after 5 years
  • Titles available in other formats
  • Space constraints
  • Unnecessary duplication
  • Usage statistics


Professional integrity and responsibility to the academic community permit the freedom to select from a wide spectrum of significant materials. We adhere to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights which states, “Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, age, background, or views of those contributing to their creation. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of their partisan or doctrinal disapproval.” Occasionally, objections to some materials will be voiced regardless of the care taken in the selection process and the qualifications of the persons selecting the materials. TCC students, faculty, or staff may formally challenge any library material by submitting a written request to the respective campus Library Coordinator, who will respond by providing an explanation and a copy of the TCC Library Collection Development Policy. Further clarification of the TCC Library Collection Development Policy is available from the Associate Vice President for Libraries.

Collection evaluation examines the collection in a systematic fashion to ensure it meets the library’s goals and objectives. The Library’s collections will be evaluated using multiple methods including:

  • Circulation, holdings, and acquisition statistics
  • Standardized lists
  • Professional standards
  • Program and institutional accreditation requirements
  • Pathways and curriculum mapping
  • Surveys, questionnaires, or other user input
  • Library system analytics
  • Peer collection comparison

Resources for Collection Development

Resources for Collection Maintenance 

Content created by TCC Libraries is licensed as CC BY 4.0

Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025 1:28 PM