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Research Guides@TCC Libraries

APA (7th Edition)

APA Title Page and Running Head

A separate title page is required for all APA Styled papers.  Students should first check with their instructors regarding what is required  for their title page, but typically it is: title of the paper, name of the author, course name and number, instructor name, assignment due date and page number in the top right-hand corner.  

The title should summarize the main idea of your paper.  

Some instructors also require students to do something called a Running Head.  A Running Head is a shorted/abbreviated title that goes at the top left-hand side on all pages of the rest of your paper.  If you are required to do a Running Head, you can watch this video shows you how to make one in Microsoft Word.  

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Last Updated: Jun 21, 2023 3:43 PM