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Research Guides@TCC Libraries

APA (7th Edition)

APA Examples

Source Type

Citation for References page

In-Text Citation

Book with 1 author

Jacobs, A.A. (2011). The pleasures of reading in an age of distraction (5th ed.). Oxford University Press.

(Jacobs, 2011)

Book with 2+ authors

Gillespie, P., & Lerner, N. (2000). The Allyn and Bacon guide to peer tutoring. Allyn and Bacon.

(Allyn & Bacon, 2000)

Edited book with no author

Duncan, G. J., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (Eds.). (1997). Consequences of growing up poor. Russell Sage Foundation.

(Duncan & Brooks-Gunn, 1997)


Morem, S.A. (2005). 101 tips for graduates.

(Morem, 2005)

Chapter of an edited book

Sinclair, C., & Macleod, H. (2015). Literally virtual: The reality of the online teacher. In P. Jandric and D. Bors (Eds.), Critical learning in digital networks (pp. 77-99). Springer Publishing.

(Sinclair & Macleod, 2015)

Article from a print journal

Kincaid, J. (2001). In history. Callaloo, 24(2), 620-626.

(Kincaid, 2001)

Article from an online database

Alonso, A., & Carmargo, J. A. (2006). Toxicity of nitrate to three species of freshwater invertebrates. Environmental Toxicology, 21(1), 90-94. http://doi:xxxxxx

(Alonso & Carmargo, 2006)

Article from an online-only periodical

Dolby, N. (2008). Research in youth culture and policy: Current conditions and future directions. Social Work and Society: The International Online Journal, 6(2).

(Dolby, 2008)

Entire Website

Felluga, D. (2011, January 31). Introductory guide to critical theory.

(Felluga, 2011)

Page on a Website

Stone, M. (2016, October 31). What would happen to your body if you only ate candy corn? Gizmodo.

(Stone, 2016)


Johnson, M., Bernstein, M., Newirth, C., & Paul, A. (Producers), & Gilligan, V. (Director & Producer). (2019). El Camino: A breaking bad movie [Film].

(Johnson, et al., 2019)

TED Talk

Gavagan, E. (2012, April). A story about knots and surgeons [Video]. TED Conferences.

(Gavagan, 2012)

Online newspaper

Mitchell, T. (2009, June 5). Women’s health. USA Today.

(Mitchell, 2009)

Online Video

Green, H. (2016, January 29). Why the world “millennial” makes me cringe [Video]. YouTube.

(Green, 2016)

Nursing Textbook Example

Callahan, B. (Ed.). (2019). Nursing: A concept-based approach to learning (3rd ed., Vol. 1.). Pearson.


Editor, E. E. (Ed.). (Year). Title of book (xx ed., Vol. xx). Publisher. DOI if available.

(Callahan, 2019)

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Last Updated: Jun 21, 2023 3:43 PM