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About TCC Libraries

Library Services and Policies

Use of Library Materials

1.   Purpose

The TCC library collection needs to be available for use by eligible college students, faculty, staff and community patrons while also ensuring accountability. Several policies shall be followed to allow access and protection of Tidewater Community College (TCC) library materials. In addition, access to the Virginia Beach Public Library (VBPL) collection at TCC’s Joint-Use Library needs to also be established in policy. 

2.   Policy

Use of TCC’s library materials shall be governed by the following policies. At the Virginia Beach Campus, use of the Virginia Beach Public Library’s (VBPL) materials and services shall be governed by VBPL policies. 

2.1.   Patron Eligibility and Registration

Faculty, staff, administrators, and students who have been enrolled within the previous 135 days (“TCC-affiliated patrons”) must have a valid TCC identification card in order to check out library materials for home use or to access materials in restricted library locations. If the ID Card Office is closed, a government-issued photo identification card may be presented by active TCC students, in lieu of the TCC identification card, to check out library materials.

VIVA Consortium members must present proof of current enrollment, a government-issued photo ID, and a current ID card from their home institution in order to receive library privileges at TCC. A patron record in TCC’s library management system shall be created to enable consortium members to check out library materials for home use.

Virginia residents who are not affiliated with the College (“community patrons”) must obtain a TCC community patron library card for limited borrowing privileges, except as noted below. Community patrons must have a government-issued photo ID and proof of a current Virginia address to obtain a TCC community patron library card at any library circulation desk. For applicants under the age of 18, a parent or legal guardian must sign the library card application and return it to the library with proof of current address and government-issued photo ID. The name and address of the parent or legal guardian will be recorded in the library system, and they will be responsible for materials loaned to the account. A TCC community patron library card may only be used by the individual to whom it has been issued.

Residents of Virginia Beach shall be afforded community patron borrowing privileges at all TCC Libraries, and must use their VBPL library card to borrow materials and access services.

2.2.   Check-out TCC Library Materials

TCC-affiliated patrons may have up to 30 items checked out at one time. Community patrons may have up to 15 items checked out at one time. Some library materials, such as iPads, are available for checkout to TCC students only.  TCC students may not have more than one iPad checked out at a time.

The normal loan period for circulating print materials and iPads is four weeks. The normal loan period for circulating audiovisual materials is one week. Some materials, such as items placed on reserve, may have a shorter loan period. 

Circulating materials, including iPads, may be renewed once in person or by telephone. TCC-affiliated patrons may also renew items through the library system as long as they are not overdue or requested by someone else. 


2.3.   Overdue TCC Materials

All patrons are personally responsible for the care, proper use, and timely return of the library materials that they have borrowed.

If materials are not returned by the due date, all library privileges shall be suspended until all overdue materials are returned or all amounts owed to the college for replacement are paid in full.

When circulating materials are more than 30 days overdue, or course reserve materials are more than one day overdue, or iPads are more than one week overdue, the patron shall not be permitted to register for classes and the college will not issue transcripts, certificates, or degrees to the patron until all overdue materials are returned or all amounts owed to the college are paid in full.

When materials are more than 135 days overdue, the college shall send the patron a bill for the overdue materials. The obligation for the materials shall then be handled in accordance with TCC Policy 4203 Receivables and Collections.

When materials are more than 180 days overdue, return of the overdue material will not result in refund of any payment or cancellation of the existing debt. Patrons must pay the replacement charge for the materials and the additional fee in order to return their account to good standing.

2.4.   Replacement of Lost or Damaged TCC Materials

The standard replacement charge for lost or damaged materials is $50.00 per item. The library reserves the right to charge the actual replacement cost for lost or damaged circulating materials. The replacement charge for lost or damaged course reserve materials is the actual replacement cost. The replacement charge for lost or damaged iPads is $450.00, and the replacement cost for iPad accessories is the actual replacement cost. 

If lost or damaged materials are not replaced prior to 180 days past the due date, additional charges will be incurred in accordance with TCC Policy 4203 Receivables and Collections.

2.5.   Use of Virginia Beach Public Library Materials

 Use of the Virginia Beach Public Library’s (VBPL) materials and services shall be governed by VBPL policies.

3.   Responsibilities

The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer shall be responsible for developing and maintaining procedures that are consistent with this policy and that comply with applicable policies and procedures of the Virginia Community College System.

4.   Definitions

Community Patrons: Virginia residents who are not TCC-affiliated patrons.

Government-Issued Photo Identification: A current photo ID card from a locality (i.e., city or county), state, or federal government agency. Examples include a current driver’s license from any state, a Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Adult ID Card, a current passport, a U.S. Resident Alien Card, or a current military photo ID. The following items are not acceptable forms of identification: credit cards, other school ID cards with no photo, bus passes, bills, receipts, mail, and other personal documents.

Library Materials: Any books, newspapers, magazines, journals, audiovisual materials such as video or sound recordings, or equipment provided by or through TCC’s libraries.

Library System: The enterprise resource planning system for the library, used to track items owned, orders made, bills paid, and patrons who have borrowed.

Proof of current address: A document establishing current residential address in Virginia. Post office box or business addresses are not acceptable. Acceptable items include current government-issued photo ID, current utility or insurance bill, current vehicle registration, current bank statement, receipt for payment of real estate or personal property tax dated within previous 12 months or a current Virginia voter registration card.

TCC-affiliated patrons: Students who have been enrolled within the previous 135 days, faculty, staff, administrators, and consortium members.

5.   References

6.   Review Periodicity and Responsibility

The Vice President for Academic Affairs and Chief Academic Officer shall review this policy at the first anniversary of its approval and, if necessary, recommend revisions.

7.   Effective Date and Approval

This policy is effective upon its approval by the College President on November 15, 2021.

           Policy Approved:                                                                       Procedure Developed:


Dr. Marcia Conston                                                 Dr. Michelle Woodhouse               President            Vice President for Academic Affairs      and Chief Academic Officer

8.   Review and Revision History

The initial version of this policy was approved April 9, 2009.

  • Revision 1

Sections 2.3 and 4. Revised the notification and billing timeline and process for overdue library materials.

Approved March 22, 2012 by Interim President Peter A. Spina.

  • Revision 2

Revised to include language specific to the Virginia Beach Campus Library which is operated as a joint-use facility with Virginia Beach Public Libraries and to acknowledge the change in responsibility for TCC’s library operations to the Vice President for Student Learning and Chief Academic Officer from the Vice President for Information Systems.

Approved November 16, 2012 by President Edna Baehre-Kolovani.

  • Revision 3

Section 2.1 address student ID cards, VTC cards, community patron cards and VBPL cards.

Section 2.2 updated VTC circulation policy.

Section 2.3 added course reserve materials and iPads.

Section 2.4 updated replacement costs.

Section 4 added course reserve materials and iPads.

Section 5 added definitions for government-issued photo identification, proof of local address, library system and TCC-affiliated patrons.

Approved November 2, 2017 by President Edna Baehre-Kolovani..

  • Revision 4

Section 2.1 updated patron eligibility and expansion of consortium program to include the VIVA cooperative borrowing program .

Moved procedures section to the library website.

Section 4 updated definitions for community patrons and TCC-affiliated patrons.

Section 5 added reference link to procedures on Library Policies and Services page.

Approved November 15, 2021 by President Marcia Conston.


Content created by TCC Libraries is licensed as CC BY 4.0

Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025 1:26 PM