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About TCC Libraries

Library Services and Policies

Printing in the Library

1. Purpose

This policy addresses the use of a print management system in Tidewater Community College’s Learning Resources Centers (LRC) and Open Computer Labs (OCL) to support print services to meet the needs of its faculty, staff, and students at the most reasonable cost to the college and to foster the conservation, sustainability, and environmental stewardship of resources in accordance with Governor’s Executive Order 82 (2009) (“Greening of State Government”).

2.   Policy

Tidewater Community College shall deploy a print management system to capture, track, and manage printing in the college LRCs and OCLs by faculty, staff, students, and community patrons. 

2.1.   Faculty and Staff 

The print accounts of faculty and staff shall have unlimited printing for workrelated documents. A faculty or staff member must use his/her TCC ID card at the print release station in the LRCs and OCLs to release print requests.

2.2.   Currently Enrolled Credit Students 

2.1.1 The print accounts of all currently enrolled credit students shall have a credit for 100 black and white (BW) pages for each term. 

2.1.2 The print accounts of all students will be updated with the 100 page credit for the current term on the first business day after the term’s tuition due date. At the same time, any remaining credit from the prior term will be removed. 

2.3.   Non-Credit Students and Community Patrons

TCC does not provide a print credit for non-credit students or community patrons. A Total Convenience Card and StormDollars should be purchased at a StormPort cash-to-card machine in order to print documents in the LRCs and OCLs. TCC is not responsible for lost or stolen Total Convenience Cards.

2.4.   Cost per Page

The charge for a black and white (BW) page that is printed on a network printer shall be $.05.

2.5.   Failed Printing Transactions 

Users of LRC and OCL printers must immediately notify LRC or OCL staff if a print job fails to print properly due to toner smears or streaks, low toner, jammed paper, or other printer-caused defects. Editing, formatting, or other user errors are excluded. Staff will assist the user in reprinting the document. 

2.6.   Refunds for Failed Printing or Copying Transactions

Cash refunds or print credits shall not be granted for failed printing transactions.  

3.   Responsibilities

The Vice President for Information Systems shall develop and maintain procedures for the operation and management of the print management system that are consistent with this policy.

4.   Procedures

The print accounts of all credit students will be updated for the current term on the first business day after the term’s first tuition deadline. Print accounts are then refreshed daily until the end of the semester. If a student drops all classes for the term, the student is no longer currently enrolled and will not be able to use any remaining print credits. If the student re-enrolls during the same term, the remaining print credits for the term will be available.

Print requests from users of LRC and OCL computers shall be directed to a print server. A user must swipe his/her student ID card or a Total Convenience Card at a print release station to print his/her documents. The user’s print account or Total Convenience Card will be debited for the number of pages printed.

Once a student’s entire printing credit has been used, the student may use StormDollars or a Total Convenience Card for additional printing. 

Users must notify LRC or OCL staff promptly if a printing transaction fails to complete. Once verified, the college staff member will assist the user in reprinting the document. 

Print requests that have not been printed shall be removed from the print server during a nightly update process after the close of the LRCs and OCLs. TCC is not responsible for print requests that are deleted during the update process. 

5.   Definitions

Community Patrons: students who are not enrolled at TCC in the current term and other members of the community.

Credit Student: a student enrolled at TCC for one or more credits for the current term. 

Non-Credit Student: a student enrolled in non-credit courses or programs offered by TCC’s Division of Workforce Development.

StormDollars: a debit-like account that can be used for purchases at all college locations accepting StormDollar payments.

StormPort: a machine used to dispense a Total Convenience Card or to put cash on a StormCard or Total Convenience Card via a cash-to-card transaction.

Total Convenience Card: a card that can store Storm Dollars for use with the print management system.

6.   References


7.   Review Periodicity and Responsibility

The Vice President for Information Systems shall review this policy annually on the anniversary of its approval and, if necessary, recommend revisions.

8.   Effective Date and Approval

This policy is effective upon its approval by the College President on February 13, 2012.

           Policy Approved:                                                                       Procedure Developed:


            Deborah M. DiCroce                                                               Richard F. Andersen                     

          President                                                                                                    Vice President for Information Systems

9.   Review and Revision History

This is the first version of this policy. 


Content created by TCC Libraries is licensed as CC BY 4.0

Last Updated: Jan 23, 2025 1:26 PM