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Avoid Plagiarism in Two Steps

by Heather Fitzgerald on 2024-04-15T00:01:00-04:00 | 0 Comments

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Image: Canva Pro, 2023


(Co-authored by Sydney G., TCC Libraries, Virginia Beach)

Hey there! The TCC Librarians are here to share tips for avoiding plagiarism. First, it is critical to define a few terms:

  • Plagiarism: presenting within one's own work the ideas, representations, or words of another person without customary and proper acknowledgement of that person's authorship. (3.1.3 TCC Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities)
  • Citation: basic information required to identify and locate a specific source (TCC Libraries)
  • Paraphrasing: expressing what is written/spoken using different words than the original author used, but conveying the same meaning (Collins Dictionary)

Now, as promised, those two tips for avoiding plagiarism:

  1. Cite your sources correctly
  2. Paraphrase information 

Still  have questions? Stop by a library or meet with a writing tutor

#tccvalibraries #tccvatutoring #plagiarismavoidance #citation

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