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MLA Paper Checklist

In-Text Citations

  • Have you given credit to other sources when you’ve quoted and/or paraphrased throughout your paper?
  • Are the in-text citations properly constructed according to MLA style?
  • Does every in-text citation have a complete, matching citation in your Works Cited List?

Works Cited List

  • Does it say Works Cited at the top of your page, centered, and without bolding or underlining?
  • Is the Works Cited page double spaced?
  • Are the citations in alphabetical order by the first word/name of each citation?
  • Are the citations properly constructed according to MLA style?
  • Is the second line of any citations longer than one line indented half an inch? This is called a “hanging indent” in your paragraph settings.
  • Does each citation in the Works Cited list have a matching in-text citation in your assignment?

Overall Paper Presentation

  • Did you cite the appropriate number of sources according to your assignment instructions?
  • Is your paper double spaced?
  • Unless specified otherwise by your instructor, is your paper in Times New Roman size 12 font?
  • Did you create a header at the top right of each page with your last name and page number?

Some final Websites

There is more information on MLA format than you will know what to do with.  Here are just a few options if you need more clarity.  But, also think about scheduling an appointment with a TCC librarian. Sometimes, the most important thing to getting it right is having someone help you get it right.  

Content created by TCC Libraries is licensed as CC BY 4.0

Last Updated: Aug 13, 2024 10:08 AM