1. From your search results, click on the video title.
2. When the video appears, click on the "Share" link at the top of the screen
3. Click on "copy LTI Launch URL to link to a vide.
You DO need to include the proxy prefix. It is already included in the URL.
Your final URL should look like this - click on the url below to go to the video:
1, Click on the Copy Embed Code button.
<iframe src="http://eztcc.vccs.edu:2048/login?url=https://video.alexanderstreet.com/embed/the-truth-about-slavery-in-history" width="640" height="390" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Google Chrome:
Internet Explorer:
Mozilla Firefox:
1. Scroll down the Welcome to Alexander Street window.Community College
2. When the Matching customers menu appears, select Tidewater CC then click on the AUTHORIZE AS SELECTED CUSTOMER button