1. From you results list, click on the book title you wish to link from your Canvas course.
2. When the eBook record appears - click on the Permalink option from the Tools menu on the right.
3. When the Permalink window appears near the top of the book title, copy & paste the permalink into your Canvas course. Click on the image below to go to the eBook from the EBSCOhost eBook Collection database.
**You DO NOT need to include the proxy prefix. The proxy server information is already in the EBSCOhost Permalink.
4. If you would like to link to a specific section, chapter, or page within an EBSCOhost eBook, go to that specific section. When you are viewing that section or chapter, click on the Permalink option from the Tools menu near the top. When the Permalink window appears near the top of the book section or chapter, copy & paste the permalink into your Canvas course.
**You DO NOT need to include the proxy prefix. It is already included in the EBSCOhost Permalink
**You DO NOT need to include the proxy prefix. It is already included in the EBSCOhost Permalink