Health Professions Research Guides
Suggested Databases
The following databases are available for researching topics related to Health Professions.
Additional Databases
The following databases are available for researching discipline-specific information within the Health Professions Pathway.
A trusted source and recognized standard for patient drug information, available in both English and Spanish, published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
Searching on the New EBSCO User Interfaces (Video 3:28)
A full-text alternative health research database focused on complementary, holistic and integrated approaches to health care and wellness. It offers the latest information about the evolving practice of holistic medicine and therapies.
Searching on the New EBSCO User Interfaces (Video 3:28)
Full-text scholarly/peer-reviewed journals, magazines, newspapers, and more for patients.
Searching on the New EBSCO User Interfaces (Video 3:28)
Full-text scholarly/peer-reviewed journals, magazines, newspapers, and more in Spanish for patients.
Searching on the New EBSCO User Interfaces (Video 3:28)
Short video clips illustrating a variety of modalities in physical and occupational therapy settings.
Full-text scholarly/peer-reviewed journal.
Full text e-books covering medical, nursing, and allied health fields
Quick Start Guide (.pdf file)