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JUL Operating Manual

Floor Managers

1st Floor VBPL Manager Phone: 374-9119 2nd Floor TCC Manager Phone: 822-7866 (Reference Desk) or on-call phone 822-7840

The first floor building manager for the day is assigned each day of the week. A schedule of the manager rotation can be found posted on the bulletin board in the first floor staff area as well as on the CityShare site. The first floor manager serves as the supervisor for all VBPL staff stationed in the building, as well as provides management assistance needed at the welcome desk, downstairs computer lab, children’s room, and first floor floating service points. 

Staff at first floor service points are responsible for reporting problems and concerns to the floor manager for the day. The manager is responsible for communicating problems and concerns with the librarian stationed on the second floor and other relevant personnel (upper level TCC management, other VBPL manager, and security.) The manager is responsible for ensuring incidents are documented and communicated according to TCC Policy 5302, Use of Libraries, as well as to VBPL library administration if police are called during an incident. 

The 2nd floor manager of the JUL is the librarian scheduled at the Reference Desk at any point of the day. The 2nd floor manager serves as the supervisor for staff stationed at service points providing reference, directional, and technical assistance to library patrons. On weekends and evenings, when the solo librarian may be teaching a class, the senior staff member at the Reference Desk is the de facto manager.

Staff at 2nd floor service points are responsible for reporting problems and concerns to the librarian. The librarian is responsible for communicating problems and concerns in a timely manner with the JUL Library Management Team and other relevant personnel (the librarian reporting for the next reference desk shift, upper-level TCC managers, City floor manager, security, etc.) The librarian is responsible for ensuring incidents are documented and communicated according to TCC Policy 5302, Use of Libraries.

When Brittany Horn is not in the building, a librarian will be designated in charge and will answer the on-call phone.

Content created by TCC Libraries is licensed as CC BY 4.0

Last Updated: Jan 15, 2025 9:48 AM