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JUL Operating Manual


The mission of the Joint-Use Library is to provide seamless service to each and every patron who enters the building, regardless of affiliation. All staff are responsible for providing excellent customer service to internal and external customers. 

Some staff are cross-trained and scheduled to work in reference, computer labs, and circulation. See your supervisor if you would like to get training in another area in the building.

Seamless service also means making timely and appropriate referrals to other staff in the building and other departments when necessary. Questions about accounts that cannot be easily resolved should be referred to the Welcome Desk. Reference transactions, especially for students, should be referred to the Reference Desk. Technology questions go to the computer labs. Students who need assistance with classes, Canvas, and significant computer help should be referred to the Tutoring Lab. Community patrons who need significant computer assistance should be directed to the VBPL computer training classes.


The JUL provides multiple service points throughout the building to serve patrons. All staff are responsible for knowing the primary functions of each service point to best refer patrons when necessary.

Scheduled Service Points

The first priority for staffing on the first floor of the Joint-Use Library will be the Welcome Desk. The primary services at the Welcome Desk are study room booking and core circulation duties. This desk will offer directional assistance to visitors entering the building. The Welcome Desk also will accommodate accounts management and academic reserves.

Who schedules? The City will be primarily responsible for scheduling and staffing this desk, but it may require the assistance of staff from the College. TCC staffing is scheduled on LibStaffer.

The AMH or Automated Materials Handler, refers to the area in which books are returned and sorted by the Techlogic equipment, for shelving at the JUL, and transfer to other libraries within VBPL and TCC. The term AMH also refers to the service point area that includes the main information phone line for the JUL, a computer with Workflows installed and supervision of the loading dock doorbell. In many ways, the AMH is a nerve-center for library operations. 

VBPL may schedule "Roamers" to walk the building to anticipate user needs and report any problems with facilities, collections, or behavior. 

The Information Commons on the first and second floors integrates technology, information, and support to strengthen the research and learning opportunities for the College Community and the general public.

Who schedules? The College will be primarily responsible for staffing this area, but the City has taken on staffing the first floor lab.

The Children's Room on the first floor houses the childrens' and young adult collections, computers and iPads, interactive manipulative toys and games, and the Programming Room.

Who schedules? VBPL is responsible for staffing this area.

Customer Service & Behavior Expectations

  • Wear your name badge in the public areas of the library so patrons can easily identify you as staff and will feel more comfortable seeking assistance.
  • Refrain from personal reading (magazines, personal web searches, games, Facebook, etc.) at Service Points.
  • Refrain from long or loud conversations at the Service Points.
  • Arrive to the scheduled service point on time or early. If you are going to be late, inform those on the desk.
  • Do not use headphones or earbuds at the Service Points (except at AMH).
  • Refrain from hanging around desks where you are not assigned.
  • Only staff should be behind Service Desks, offices, and in workrooms.
  • Be approachable and ready to help. Greet patrons as they come to the desk.
  • Since staff and customers have varying sensitivities to scents, please be respectful of others and don’t spray scents at work, particularly in any areas where there can be a lot of people.
  • Remember your library voice.
  • Be ready to move! Don't just point -- when possible, help patrons find what they're looking for.
  • Answer the phone promptly. Deliver detailed messages to other staff as quickly as possible.
  • Maintain good customer service standards for internal customers (your coworkers, supervisors, fellow TCC  and VBPL staff) as well as external customers (students and community patrons).
  • Do not talk about patrons or coworkers at the Service Points or in any public area.
  • Be conscious of your demeanor at the desk -- Do you appear open, approachable, and helpful? Or do you appear distracted or preoccupied? Perception is everything -- smile at patrons as they walk by, proactively ask if they need help, and keep a positive tone in your voice in person and over the phone. 
  • Personal cell phones and electronic devices should not be used at a service point unless needed to log in via MFA or troubleshoot a technical problem. Talking, texting, or playing on a device while at a service point does not convey the message of helpfulness we are trying to convey. If you must have your phone, please refrain from using it at the service points. If you need to make a call, get coverage for the desk and step away from the service area.
  • The phones at the service points are reserved for incoming calls and outgoing calls related to reference, circulation, or the computer lab. Other phone calls should be conducted away from the service points. (Patrons may use the phones to make emergency or quick phones calls. Please remind the patron that it is a business line and to keep it short. Dial the number to ensure it is a local number (not long distance numbers). 
  • ALL staff are responsible for explaining and applying library policies to patrons and/or referring policy matters to the appropriate manager.

Printed Handouts, Brochures, etc.

If you need to stock WIFI handoutsCampus Maps, or How to help students locate their classes! forms for any service points, they are located on the VBPL JUL SharePoint site under Joint-Use Library Information, then Forms. Please do not make copies of any existing forms that you may have but instead print from SharePoint. The reason are two-fold: 1) the updated forms are posted on SharePoint, and 2) the printed versions look better than the copied ones. TCC staff who cannot access the link should contact Cindy Alexander or another VBPL staff member for assistance.

Sydney Gordon can order copies of the Joint Use Library brochures from TCC Visual Communications.

JUL Databases

In the JUL, patrons have direct access to TCC databases and must log in with their VBPL credentials to access VBPL databases. Some VBPL databases (*) are accessible only at the other VBPL locations. Only paid databases are listed (no free websites listed as resources on our websites.)

The cross-reference list was updated in August 2019. 

TCC Recommended Databases

VBPL Unique Databases

  • Academic Search Complete  
  • eBooks on EBSCOhost  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • JSTOR  
  • MasterFILE Premier  
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context  
  • Oxford Reference  
  • Project Muse  
  • Safari Books Online  
  • Wiley Online Library  
  • America's Obituaries & Death Notices
  • Biography in Context
  • Business Source Elite
  • Career Transitions
  • Demographics Now
  • Financial Ratings Series
  • Foundation Directory Online Professional
  • Foundation Grants to Individuals Online
  • Gale LegalForms
  • HeritageQuest
  • Hoopla
  • Lexis Advance*
  • Morningstar Investment Research Center
  • Norfolk Journal & Guide
  • NoveList
  • NoveList K-8 Plus
  • Reference USA
  • Rocket Languages
  • Small Business Reference Center
  • Something about the Author
  • Sanborn Maps
  • Something about the Author
  • Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage
  • Universal Class
  • ValueLine
  • WestlawNex (at law library)
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • African-American Poetry, 1760-1900  
  • America: History and Life  
  • American History in Video  
  • American Poetry  
  • AP Images  
  • Artstor Digital Library  
  • Biography Reference Bank  
  • Digital Theatre +  
  • Drama for Students  
  • Duke University Press  
  • English Poetry  
  • European Views of America: 1493-1750  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale Literary Sources  
  • Gale PowerSearch  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • Global Issues in Context  
  • HarpWeek 1857-1912  
  • Historical Abstracts  
  • Humanities International Complete  
  • JSTOR  
  • Kanopy  
  • Literary Index  
  • Literature Online (LION) 
  • Literature Resource Center  
  • Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers  
  • Novels for Students  
  • Oxford African American Studies  
  • Oxford Art Online  
  • Oxford Music Online  
  • Oxford University Press Journals  
  • Poetry for Students  
  • Project Muse  
  • Religion & Philosophy Collection  
  • Scribner Writers Online  
  • Short Stories for Students  
  • Sources in U. S. History Online: Slavery in America  
  • Sources in U. S. History Online: The American Revolution  
  • Sources in U. S. History Online: The Civil War  
  • Twayne's Authors Online  
  • U.S. History In Conterxt  
  • Virginia Heritage  
  • Wiley Online Library  
  • Women's Studies International  
  • World History in Context  


  • Biography in Context
  • e-Book Collection by EBSCO
  • Gale Literary Sources
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library
  • Gale PowerSearch
  • Heritage Quest
  • MasterFile Complete
  • Norfolk Journal and Guide
  • NoveList
  • NoveList K-8 Plus
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context
  • Rocket Languages
  • Sanborn Maps
  • Something about the Author
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • Business Source Complete  
  • Code of Virginia (Legislative Information System)  
  • Communication & Mass Media Complete  
  • EconLit with Full Text  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • Health & Safety Science Abstracts  
  • Hospitality & Tourism Complete  
  • Investext Snapshot  
  • Mergent Horizon, Mergent Intellect, Mergent Online  
  • Nexis Uni
  • ProQuest Materials Science Collection  
  • Regional Business News  
  • Safari Books Online  
  • Social Explorer  
  • Vente et Gestion  
  • Business Source Elite
  • Career Transitions
  • Demographics Now
  • Financial Ratings Series
  • Foundation Directory Online Professional*
  • Foundation Grants to Individuals Online *
  • Morningstar Investment Research Center
  • Reference USA
  • Small Business Reference Center
  • Standard & Poor’s NetAdvantage
  • TERC
  • ValueLine
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • Associates Programs Source  
  • Chilton Library
  • Films On Demand  
  • ICE Video Library  
  • LearningExpress Library/PrepStep  
  • Library, Information Science, & Technology Abstracts  
  • Nursing Education in Video  
  • Testing & Education Reference Center  
  • Career Transitions
  • Chilton Library
  • TERC (Testing & Education Reference Center)
  • Universal Class
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • ACM Digital Library  
  • Computers & Applied Sciences Complete  
  • Films On Demand  
  • IEEE Xplore  
  • ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection  
  • ProQuest Computer Science Collection  
  • ProQuest SciTech Collection  
  • Safari Books Online  
  • Solid State & Superconductivity Abstracts  
  • Wiley Online Library  
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • CQ Researcher  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • Global Issues in Context  
  • Issues & Controversies  
  • Nexis Uni   
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context  
  • Race Relations Abstracts  
  • America's News

  • e-Book Collection by EBSCO

  • Gale PowerSearch

  • Gale Virtual Reference Library

  • MasterFile Complete

  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • America's News  
  • CQ Researcher  
  • Ethnic Newswatch  
  • Factiva  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Global Issues in Context  
  • GPO Monthly Catalog  
  • Legal Collection  
  • Military & Government Collection  
  • National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts  
  • Newswires  
  • Nexis Uni
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context  
  • Peace Research Abstracts  
  • Political Science Complete  
  • Public Administration Abstracts  
  • Violence & Abuse Abstracts  
  • Virginian-Pilot  
  • Women's Studies International  
  • World News Digest  


  • America’s News
  • America’s Obituaries and Death Notices
  • Gale LegalForms
  • Lexis Advance *
  • MasterFile Complete
  • New York Times
  • Norfolk Journal and Guide
  • Virginian-Pilot
  • WeslawNext (at law library)


  • Academic Search Complete  
  • Chilton Library  
  • eBooks on EBSCOhost  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook  
  • OverDrive  
  • Oxford Art Online  
  • Oxford English Dictionary  
  • Oxford Music Online  
  • ProQuest Ebook Central  
  • R2 Digital Library  
  • Safari Books Online  
  • Salem Reference Online  
  • Twayne's Authors Online  
  • e-Book Collection by EBSCO
  • Academic Video Online
  • American History in Video
  • Digital Theatre +
  • Films On Demand
  • ICE Video Library
  • Kanopy
  • Nursing Education in Video
  • OverDrive
  • Videatives 
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • Academic Video Online  
  • Associates Programs Source  
  • Child Development & Adolescent Studies  
  • Chronicle of Higher Education  
  • Community College Journal of Research and Practice  
  • Dissertations & Theses: Full Text  
  • Education Research Complete  
  • ERIC Educational Resources Information Center  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • LearningExpress Library/PrepStep  
  • Library, Information Science, & Technology Abstracts  
  • Taylor & Francis Online  
  • Teacher Reference Center  
  • Testing & Education Reference Center  
  • Videatives  
  • TERC
  • Universal Class
  • Academic Search Complete
  • Copper Technical Reference Library  
  • Corrosion Abstracts  
  • Engineered Materials Abstracts  
  • ENGnetBASE  
  • Films On Demand  
  • IEEE Xplore  
  • ProQuest Engineering Collection
  • ProQuest Materials Science Collection
  • ProQuest SciTech Collection  
  • Safari Books Online  
  • Solid State & Superconductivity Abstracts  
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • America's News  
  • Article First  
  • Biography Reference Bank  
  • Dissertations & Theses: Full Text  
  • Duke University Press  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale PowerSearch  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • Highwire Press  
  • MasterFILE Premier  
  • Oxford English Dictionary  
  • Oxford Music Online  
  • Oxford Reference  
  • PapersFirst  
  • ProceedingsFirst  
  • Ulrich's Periodicals  
  • Virginian-Pilot  
  • Wiley Online Library  
  • e-Book Collection by EBSCO
  • Gale PowerSearch
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library
  • MasterFile Complete
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context
  • Abstracts in Social Gerontology  
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • AHFS Consumer Medication Information  
  • Alt HealthWatch  
  • Annual Reviews  
  • CINAHL Complete  
  • Consumer Health Complete  
  • Consumer Health Complete (en Espanol)  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • Health & Safety Science Abstracts  
  • Health Source: Consumer Edition  
  • Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition  
  • ICE Video Library  
  • MedicLatina  
  • New England Journal of Medicine  
  • Nursing Education in Video  
  • ProQuest Biological Science Collection  
  • ProQuest SciTech Collection  
  • PsycArticles  
  • Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection  
  • PsycInfo  
  • R2 Digital Library  
  • Salem Reference Online  
  • Salud en Espanol  
  • Science in Context  
  • Wiley Online Library  
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • America: History and Life  
  • American History in Video  
  • Biography Reference Bank  
  • European Views of America: 1493-1750  
  • Films On Demand  
  • HarpWeek 1857-1912  
  • Historical Abstracts  
  • Humanities International Complete  
  • JSTOR  
  • Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers  
  • Oxford African American Studies  
  • Race Relations Abstracts  
  • Social Explorer  
  • Sources in U. S. History Online: Slavery in America  
  • Sources in U. S. History Online: The American Revolution  
  • Sources in U. S. History Online: The Civil War  
  • U.S. History In Context  
  • Urban Studies Abstracts  
  • Virginia Heritage  
  • Women's Studies International  
  • World History in Context  
  • America's Obituaries & Death Notices
  • *
  • HeritageQuest
  • Norfolk Journal & Guide
  • Sanborn Maps
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • African-American Poetry, 1760-1900  
  • American Poetry  
  • Biography Reference Bank  
  • Choice Reviews  
  • Consumer Health Complete (en Espanol)  
  • Drama for Students  
  • English Poetry  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Fuente Academica  
  • Gale Literary Sources  
  • Gale PowerSearch  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • Humanities International Complete  
  • JSTOR  
  • Linguistics & Language Behavior Abstracts  
  • Literary Index  
  • Literature Online (LION) 
  • Literature Resource Center  
  • Mango Language Learning System  
  • MedicLatina  
  • MLA International Bibliography  
  • Novels for Students  
  • Oxford English Dictionary  
  • Poetry for Students  
  • Salud en Espanol  
  • Scribner Writers Online  
  • Short Stories for Students  
  • Twayne's Authors Online  
  • Vente et Gestion
  • Gale Literary Sources
  • NoveList
  • NoveList K-8 Plus
  • Rocket Languages
  • Something about the Author
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • ACM Digital Library  
  • Annual Reviews  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • MasterFILE Premier  
  • Oxford University Press Journals  
  • Project Muse  
  • ProQuest Materials Science Collection  
  • Safari Books Online  
  • Science in Context  
  • Wiley Online Library  
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • Academic Video Online  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Fuente Academica  
  • MasterFILE Premier  
  • ProceedingsFirst  
  • Wiley Online Library  
See General & Reference above
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • AP Images  
  • Chronicle of Higher Education  
  • Ethnic Newswatch  
  • Factiva  
  • Newspaper Source Plus  
  • Newswires  
  • Nexis Uni   
  • Virginian-Pilot  
  • World News Digest  
  • America’s News
  • America’s Obituaries and Death Notices
  • MasterFile Complete
  • New York Times
  • Norfolk Journal and Guide
  • Virginian-Pilot
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • ACM Digital Library  
  • American Chemical Society  
  • Annual Reviews  
  • Artstor Digital Library  
  • BioOne
  • Computers & Applied Sciences Complete  
  • Copper Technical Reference Library  
  • Corrosion Abstracts  
  • Engineered Materials Abstracts  
  • ENGnetBASE  
  • Environment Complete  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • GreenFILE  
  • Health & Safety Science Abstracts  
  • IEEE Xplore  
  • IOPscience ebooks  
  • IOPscience Journals  
  • Nature (journal)  
  • Oceanic Abstracts  
  • Oxford University Press Journals  
  • Plant Science  
  • ProQuest Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Collection  
  • ProQuest Agricultural Science Collection  
  • ProQuest Aquatic Science Collection  
  • ProQuest Atmospheric Science Collection  
  • ProQuest Biological Science Collection  
  • ProQuest Computer Science Collection  
  • ProQuest Earth Science Collection  
  • ProQuest Engineering Collection  
  • ProQuest Environmental Science Collection  
  • ProQuest Materials Science Collection  
  • ProQuest SciTech Collection  
  • Safari Books Online  
  • Science (journal)  
  • Science in Context  
  • Solid State & Superconductivity Abstracts  
  • Water Resources Abstracts  
  • Wiley Online Library
  • Abstracts in Social Gerontology  
  • Academic Search Complete  
  • Academic Video Online  
  • America: History and Life  
  • American History in Video  
  • Annual Reviews  
  • Artstor Digital Library  
  • Biography Reference Bank  
  • Child Development & Adolescent Studies  
  • Code of Virginia (Legislative Information System)  
  • Communication & Mass Media Complete  
  • Contemporary Women's Issues  
  • Duke University Press  
  • Ethnic Newswatch  
  • European Views of America: 1493-1750  
  • Family Studies Abstracts  
  • Films On Demand  
  • Gale PowerSearch  
  • Gale Virtual Reference Library  
  • Global Issues in Context  
  • HarpWeek 1857-1912  
  • Historical Abstracts  
  • Hospitality & Tourism Complete  
  • Humanities International Complete  
  • Issues & Controversies  
  • JSTOR  
  • Library, Information Science, & Technology Abstracts  
  • National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts  
  • National Geographic Digital Archive  
  • Nexis Uni   
  • Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers  
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context  
  • Oxford African American Studies  
  • Oxford University Press Journals  
  • Peace Research Abstracts  
  • Political Science Complete  
  • Project Muse  
  • PsycArticles  
  • Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection  
  • PsycInfo  
  • Race Relations Abstracts  
  • Religion & Philosophy Collection  
  • Social Explorer  
  • SocINDEX with Full Text  
  • Sources in U. S. History Online: Slavery in America  
  • Sources in U. S. History Online: The American Revolution  
  • Sources in U. S. History Online: The Civil War  
  • U.S. History In Context  
  • Violence & Abuse Abstracts  
  • Virginia Heritage  
  • Wiley Online Library  
  • Women's Studies International  
  • World History in Context  
  • Academic Search Complete 
  • Academic Video Online  
  • AP Images  
  • Biography Reference Bank  
  • Communication & Mass Media Complete 
  • Contemporary Women's Issues 
  • CQ Researcher
  • Films On Demand 
  • Issues & Controversies 
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context 
  • World Factbook 
  • World News Digest  

Content created by TCC Libraries is licensed as CC BY 4.0