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JUL Operating Manual

TCC Alerts

All staff in the JUL are expected to register for TCC Alerts to receive emergency information.


The JUL has one on-site security guard provided by TCC during building open hours. In addition to this individual, other TCC Security officers regularly patrol the building and grounds. Security staff are contracted through TCC with Securitas. The cost for security for after-hours and special events is $38.44/hr.

Contact: (757)822-7777

Safety and security concerns should be brought to the attention of the floor manager. The manager should identify whether security or 911 should be called, depending on the nature of the incident. If a staff member calls security or 911, the next call should be to the Welcome and/or Reference desk to alert corresponding management. If the VBPD arrive in the building, VBPL/TCC management should also be contacted. VBPL and TCC managers should always contact the Director during incidents. 

If a patron uses a fire exit, an alarm will go off. If the alarm goes off, we have to call Security at 822-7777 to get them to turn the alarm off. If you see a patrons about to use the door, please try to stop them and tell them it is an emergency exit only. Try to get a look at the patron in case Security requests a description.

Emergency Response

There are many types of campus and building emergencies that include both acts of nature and behavior of individuals. Incidents that occur either inside the building, or on other parts of campus have deep impact on how we will react to a given situation. All JUL staff should be signed up for TCC alerts so that warning are sent to their phones, whether on campus or away. In addition, if on campus, alerts will be received through a range of means including the phone system, email and intercom messages. All JUL staff should be familiar with shelter-in-place protocols, building exits and other means for personal safety while in the building. The "Severe Weather Protocol" document below is meant to help staff notify our library users once a weather warning has been issued. 

Reporting Incidents

Within 24 hours of an incident (e.g., medical event, criminal activity, policy violation, inappropriate behavior, etc.), staff are responsible for completing a Library Incident Report Form to be submitted to Brittany Horn. The form is required whether a security officer is involved and a security report is filed.

JUL-Specific Policies

The above policy outlines staff responsibilities and must be strictly followed to warrant long-term consequences for rule violations.

Per the Study Room Terms of Use, patrons may lose study room privileges after multiple violations of the rules. 


If anyone from the media contacts JUL staff, please refrain from any commentary and instead contact the manager on duty.

Media personnel will be referred to Naima Ford, Director of Public Relations & Marketing (cc: Melanie Gilchrist, Public Relations Specialist & Multimedia Designer).


2.1.3. Children under the age of twelve must be in the company of and under the immediate supervision of an adult while in the library. Other children under the age of sixteen who are well-behaved, not anxious or frightened by being left unattended, and involved in an appropriate activity may remain in the library.

All items found in the Joint Use Library will have a sticky note attached indicated date found.  When identifying information is available, staff will attempt to locate and contact the owner, and the details of all contact attempts will be noted in the log along with the initials of the staff member.

Unattended bags

All bags are turned in to the security officer on duty at the JUL. The bag is taken to the front desk of the JUL to inform the staff in case the individual is looking for the lost item at that time. If the owner of the bag doesn't come forward to retrieve the bag, the bag is taken to the lost and found located in K-103 of the Virginia Beach Student Center.

TCC Student IDs

When a student ID is found in the library, it will be given to a security officer who will take it to Student Services where it will be processed and sent to the Business Office.


Items of value, including (but not limited to) keys, wallets, IDs (except TCC student IDs), cash, jewelry, cell phones, and flash drives will be stored in a locked container.  Items of lower value will be stored in a clear bin.  All items will be tagged with their assigned inventory number.


A staff member will be assigned to monitor the Lost & Found on a regular basis.  Items found in the Joint Use Library will be held for 30 days prior to disposal according to the procedures outlined below. 

  • Cash – to John Thornburg in the Business Office along with information on where/when found.  Change amounts under $1.00 will be entered into the register as Gift Fund.
  • Storm Cards - to the TCC Business Office
  • Clothing, Jewelry and Miscellaneous items – to nonprofit thrift store
  • Textbooks – to the VB Campus Student Resource & Empowerment Center
  • Books (other than textbooks) & Media – to Friends of the Virginia Beach Public Library
  • Flash Drives – cleaned off and taken to Joint Use Library Computer Labs to be available as spares
  • Program Disks – retain 2 for student use, discard any additional
  • Calculators – to math lab
  • Prescription eye glasses – to Central Library for the Lions Club
  • Cell phones – to be recycled.
  • iPods/headphones – to Computer Club


The following link directs patrons to TCC and VBPL policies as well as some JUL-specific rules regarding use of the lobby space, posting in the community nook, appropriate attire, and animals in the building.

Content created by TCC Libraries is licensed as CC BY 4.0

Last Updated: Jan 15, 2025 9:48 AM